Lasik Eye Surgery in Ahmedabad

Best Treatment for LASIK
Top Treatment for LASIK at Ahmedabad

LASIK eye surgery or LASIK stands for 'Laser In-Situ Keratomileusis'. A Lasik procedure at SRG Eye Hospital is SAFE, PROVEN & TRUSTED.

A computer-controlled excimer laser is used in the Lasik procedure to reshape your cornea, which leads to the correction of your vision. The laser reshaping is carefully done under a protective flap of tissue to minimise discomfort and promote very rapid recovery of your vision.

Today, LASIK is the most popular laser vision correction procedure in the world.SRG Eye Hospital experts use the IntraLASIK laser technology for performing the initial step of the LASIK procedure, which provides more accurate and more predictable results than the outdated traditional method.
IntraLASIK technology is considered so effective and safe that the U.S. military uses it for their combat forces, and even NASA uses it for their astronauts.

Lasik has the potential of genuinely changing your life!

Just imagine yourself; Ability to see everything clearly from the moment you wake up in the morning and open your eyes. Once you have a proper vision correction, you will realise and experience all the freedoms that life has to offer to you.

Whether someone is farsighted, nearsighted or have astigmatism, Lasik can genuinely eliminate your dependence on contact lenses or eyeglasses.

Once you have a proper vision correction procedure at SRG eye hospital, your natural and normal vision will be restored. Achieving security and gaining the freedom you want is relatively easy. This Laser vision correction is a pain-free procedure that generally takes only a couple of minutes and is approximately sixty seconds of laser time for each eye in most cases.

At SRG Eye Hospital, we proudly offer state of the art instrumentation blended with the highly skilled doctor's expertise that ensures utmost care for your precious eyes. We are one among the very few centres in India who is offering the highly advanced laser vision correction procedure technology, Bladeless Lasik/Contoura Lasik (Smile/Femto Lasik).

Most Advance Treatment of Lasik
Generally, Lasik eye surgery is most appropriate for patients who have no unusual vision problems and a moderate degree of refractive error.

Your SRG Eye surgeon will ask you detailed questions about your eye health and then evaluate your eyes to ensure that you don’t have any complications or conditions that might lead to further complications or poor outcomes of the surgery. This includes:
  • Any eye disease that leads to a continuous deterioration of your vision and keratoconus (thinning of your cornea).
  • If keratoconus is present in your family history, even if you don’t have keratoconus, we will be very cautious about any elective eye surgery.
  • Uveitis, Keratitis, herpes simplex affecting the eye region, and any other eye infections.
  • Eye-lid disorders or Eye injuries.
  • Dry eyes: If an individual has dry eyes, LASIK surgery may make the condition worse.
  • Large pupils: LASIK may not be appropriate if the patient’s pupils are large, especially in dim light. Lasik Surgery may result in debilitating symptoms such as star-bursts, glare, halos and ghost images.
  • Glaucoma: This surgical procedure might raise your eye pressure, which has the potential of making your glaucoma worse.
  • Cataracts.
  • Suppose an individual has severe nearsightedness or a high refractive error has been diagnosed.
  • An individual with a reasonably good (overall) vision; If you are able to see well enough to need Eyeglasses or Contact-lens only part of the time (Occasionally), in this case, an improvement from the Lasik surgery may not be worth the risks.
  • You have age-related eye changes which are resulting you to have presbyopia (less clear vision).
  • You are actively participating in contact sports. If you regularly receive blows or punches or any hard pressure to the face and eyes, such as during boxing or martial arts or combat forces, LASIK surgery may not be a suitable option for you.
In such cases; the possible benefits of a LASIK surgery may not justify the risks involved, and your SRG Eye doctor will be very vocal about it.
Your SRG eye surgeon will ask you detailed questions about your overall general health. Particular medical conditions which might be unrelated to your eyes directly, but can make the outcome less predictable or increase the risks associated with LASIK surgery. This includes:
  • Any condition or disease that affects your immune system and makes you more prone to infections or impairs your ability to heal, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, HIV and other autoimmune disorders.
  • If you are taking any immunosuppressive medication for any reason.
  • Diabetes.
  • Depression or certain chronic pain conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome, migraine and fibromyalgia.
If you are having one or more of these conditions, then you might face more problems with dry eyes and post-surgery pain compared to other patients.
The reasons for these factors are not entirely clear but maybe somehow related to how you perceive pain as an individual.
In general, people who undergo a LASIK surgery will have satisfactory to excellent vision in most of the situations, for many years or decades to come. One would be able to enjoy playing sports or swimming or check the clock first thing in the morning without the need for any eyeglasses or contact lenses.
But, over the period, as you grow older or in low-light conditions, you may still need to rely on eyeglasses.

Individuals do report high satisfaction after a LASIK surgery. But long-term results haven’t been well-studied or often aren’t available. The central part of the reason for such a situation is that patients are overall satisfied after Lasik surgery; hence they don’t feel the need for repeat examinations; as a result, follow-up data from such patients is not collected.
We must also keep in mind that the LASIK procedure has been refined over time — the technology and techniques are continually changing, which makes it difficult to conclude from the limited data that is reported. But, this also means that every new generation is getting a better and improved form of Lasik surgery with better and developed equipment.